Thursday, February 19, 2009

Too Funny

Ok, so I know a few of you also loved the bright pink shirt that I bought with the tie on the hips...

YA'LL - it totally dyed me, my bra, and my desk at the office PINK! I'm not kidding... the trim around the edge of my desk is bright pink... my arms were on Tuesday night as well... and seriously my white bra is now hot pink.

HOW is that going to stop with a dry-clean only shirt?!


  1. how weird! I've had that happen with new dark denim jeans, but never with a shirt!

  2. To all heck with dry-cleaning! I'd soak it in some nice cold water and white vinegar in the kitchen sink then lay it flat to dry.

  3. I love pink! I hardly ever wear it, but I do love the color! Now I want to have a bright pink shirt so I can get a bright pink desk too!

    The good thing is that (I bet) every time you look at that pink desk, pink bra, or your pink shirt, you're going to smile!


Thank you so much for your comments. I really enjoy getting feedback on my writing!