Here are a few things that I made today - I'm quite fond of all of them...
That's about it - I'll take lots of pictures tomorrow. But it's almost 11, and I'll be up at 5:30... and I still have to make the bed.
Memo to me... do not try to wash the sheets or do other domestic things while getting ready for a craft fair... because at the end of the night - all you want to do is crawl in bed...not have to make it first!
The only thing I forgot to do today was go get cash to use as change... but I think John has found a solution for me. He called a grocery store on the way to the show and they said if we get there before 7 - they could make change for us. So we'll be stopping in there on the way in the morning... but hey, they have a Starbucks... so it's all good!
I can't wait to report on how the day went and show you what everything looked like... lets hope that I'll be reporting a HUGE success too!
I really love the turquoise one with the cross...I bet that will be a quick seller :)