Whew! We got home at about 8:30, but I've only just finished getting the photos off my camera... I took literally 600 photos AT the Spring Fling... not including the photos I took earlier today - a few more are below.
I managed to get them burned on to CD's for our Pastor - but that's all I could do tonight. Before I start uploading them to our church photo website... or anywhere else - I need to look through them.
In the meantime - here are the rest of the ones I took before we left.

Random, yes... but let me tell you what is happening here... my husband is in the shower getting ready to go to the church... but didn't want to miss out on any of the baseball game he was listening to - SO he propped the laptop up so he could multi-task. Sick, isn't it?

The photo I used the other day of my dogs was old... it just was one of the best that I've got - and it's won a couple of photo contests... BUT here are a few of how my kiddos look now. This is Missy - she looks intense because John is shaking a toy behind my head.

On this one the toy is above her - but it makes me laugh because if I didn't know better - it looks like she might be praying... HA! Sometimes I wish that I knew what they were thinking.

Maggie looks old here... but she's just such a sweetie! She's much more photogenic... or well - she'll sit still and look AT me when I want to take her picture... the little one - not so much.

I still can't believe it's been 11 years since I got her... not only that, but it's hard to believe how much has happened in her lifetime - I mean when I got her - I was in college... and single...
Alright - now I'm about to go fall into my bed and not move until the alarm rudely awakens me... and I start pleading for 10 more minutes of sleep... tomorrow morning - I'm going to wish that Starbucks delivered!
I'll also be praying that a massive sunburn doesn't come out overnight - so far it looks like I've avoided the major pain... but you never know once you've taken a shower and give it a little time. I guess I'll know in a little bit - depending on if my body radiates heat in the bed.
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