Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Branson Stache Tour

If you're stopping in from Jenna's and want to read an intro on me - I wrote it yesterday, but check it out here.

I'm getting back into a bloggy groove this week, so instead of following the prompts - I'm just happy to be writing again. So, I thought that I'd write a fun post for you to see a sillier side of me. Earlier in June, my older sisters and I went to Branson for a weekend with our stepmom. Our main reason for going on the trip was because one of my sisters is turning 40 on the 30th of this month. So we went to spend some time relaxing from our daily grind as moms, and celebrate all of our birthdays... all of them occur between May and August... so it was in celebration of our 43, 40, and 34th birthdays. (I call them my older sisters because they are... but we also have a brother than is 10 and a sister that is 9.)

While we were in Branson doing some shopping, my sister found a package of mustaches in a toy store... so we decided to take pictures all across town with our mustaches... so here you go - a mustache tour of Branson.

And one good shot of the three of us that we gave our Dad for Father's Day - because he is so wonderful to foot the bill for the four of us to have a weekend to recharge from taking care of a combined 7 kiddos!

Me, Cathi, and Cindy
(youngest, oldest, middle)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Reintroduction & Genetics

I had a post planned, but felt like I needed to write a little bit of an introduction for the folks coming over from Jenna's Journey this week - as I'm participating in her 3rd Annual Comment Challenge. I rocked it yesterday - as the goal is to leave comments on 10 new blogs, and I did 20!

A little about me: I'm a 34 year old native Texan currently (temporarily) transplanted to Memphis, TN. I've been married to John for just over 10 years, and am mom to two toddler boys. After 8 years of trying and being eventually told that I couldn't have a child biologically - we stopped fertility treatments and decided to adopt. (There are 7 adopted kiddos in our close family)

We chose our agency, got the process rolling, had a failed placement, and then just 4 months after our home study was final... we brought home our precious James. The SAME day we brought James home from the hospital, we found out that I was pregnant. Three months pregnant to be exact... so just 6 months later we brought our little miracle baby, Tyler, home. Tyler was in the NICU for 12 days after birth - he needed some help with breathing, and had some struggles with learning to eat on his own.

Before the boys were born, I spent 10 years working as a database administrator and jack of all trades in the fundraising industry. I worked with researching people for donations, tracking donation campaigns, writing grants, and many other duties in my various positions within that industry. When we moved to Memphis though, I was able to "retire" and stay home with the boys. I continue to work to some degree through my Stella & Dot jewelry business, Scentsy business, and Velata chocolate fondue business. Scentsy keeps me busy because it is the most successful of my business adventures, please let me know if you're interested in hosting a party or would like information about how I am making extra money turning scents into dollars.

We have a cat and a dog... I love cooking and share my favorite recipes over on my cooking blog. I enjoy taking pictures of my family and friends for fun. Writing is something that relaxes me when I have the time - and I think that's about it in a nutshell.

I also wanted to take a minute to talk about genetics today. It's a topic that I find fascinating - simply because I am in awe of how people blend together into their children. Sometimes there is just no mistaking who a child's parents are - they just look exactly like them. Other times, they look nothing like their parents and it's amazing to see that too. The reason this comes into my mind from time to time is because of our sweet Tyler. He is a tiny replica of my Dad... almost like a tiny mirror image. Which is amazing and bizarre at the same time. I'm not even talking about him looking like my Dad as a child... he looks like my Dad as he is today. Take a look of these two peas in a pod from a little over a year ago... this photo was at James' 1st Birthday party in April 2011... but they still look just as much alike today as ever.

Just because he is super cute, I have to share a photo of my little man, James, too. He is all boy, and a sweet heart with a bit of a mischievous side too. He is more likely to mind than his brother, but I suspect that he just might be the master-mind behind some of Tyler's disobedience.

This blog is all about our crazy life, and I do hope you'll hop on board and join us in this journey!

Monday, June 25, 2012


So, I woke up yesterday feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. Not in the traditional sense of that statement though - normally I associate it with a head cold, but I literally hurt from head to toe - like muscle/joint pain. It is so ridiculous that I'm calling an orthopedist today as soon as they open.

I've been dealing with pain in my arms/shoulders since Tyler was born - the right side worse than the left. I can't lift my right arm shoulder height without bringing myself to tears which sure does make dealing with two toddlers difficult. Basic hygiene things are tough too - like shaving my arm pits - literally makes me squirm in pain... but is absolutely required - so it's time to make it happen without the tears, right?

While I'm dealing with trying to get in to see this new doc today - I thought I'd tell you about something that I tried this weekend (on a completely unrelated topic) and LOVED.

I want to talk to you about Scentsy Dryer Disks - they are AMAZING! Let me give you some back story.

When we bought our house - it was not set up for a gas dryer, which is what we have because our home in Texas was. Since gas appliances are cheaper to run - that was what our whole home in TX used. Anyway, we had a handyman come in and change over the hookup for the dryer for us... but when he did it, somehow it wasn't capped off or something and our dryer now is much like the outside in terms of climate and smells.

What I mean is that on a humid day, if I accidentally don't get the clothes out of the dryer when the cycle ends - they will come out a little bit damp. They'll also smell a bit like fresh cut grass on the days when John does yard work... so this is a problem. I've had some experience with Downy (or I think that's the culprit) leaving some oily residue on our clothes too... so I needed to find something different to help add some good fragrance to our clothes.

I sell Scentsy as most of you (all two of you still reading) know, but I hadn't tested out our new laundry products yet. I bought samples for people to look at during my parties, but hadn't tried them because they were my party samples. Well, in a moment of desperation while drying my sheets yesterday - I decided I HAD to use this product... I couldn't sleep on sheets that smelled like grass anymore!
So, I dug through my party supplies and got this little friend out. It's part of the new Scentsy Layers line of products for your laundry and bath. I think all of these products are fabulous, and have used several of the other items - like the bath gel, and lotions. The dryer disks come in Quiver or Coconut Lemongrass scent. I happened to have Quiver on hand, so that's what I used.

Our clothes, and laundry room smell amazing! I'm so in love with these - I fully plan on buying a BUNCH of them to have for my personal use, but also to give as gifts. I sincerely hope that when our new product catalog for the fall comes out that they've expanded the scents that this is available for purchase in.

Additionally, in those same two scents - we have Washer Whiffs which can be added to your laundry during the wash too. I'm going to use up my current scented detergent and get some that is not scented so that I can add in some lovely Scentsy scent in both the wash and dry cycles! I truly am a new convert!

This whole line of bath & laundry products is amazing - the bath products come in about 6 scents for each item - so it's a bit more of a selection than the laundry items right now, and I think they are wonderful. It's sort of fun to have some of your favorite and most popular scents carried with you throughout the day! 

I couldn't be more excited to be this in love with another of the products that I'm selling - of course, I shouldn't be surprised because Scentsy ROCKS! Not only do the products rock, but being a member of this company is truly changing my life - I'm about to hit another big goal this month, and make a special bonus... I would love it if you'd consider helping me reach that goal by making a purchase - large or small, every purchase helps!

I am so amazed that in the short time I've been a part of this company, I joined in February... I've achieved so much. For someone that is NOT a sales person, I've truly had some amazing success! I've sold over $1,000 in products each month - averaging my commission to be between $250-$300 or more! Would you like to join in with me and turn your scents into dollars? I would absolutely love the opportunity to coach you and walk through this amazing journey with you. 

I'm also in love with our Velata - chocolate fondue - products as well. I've personally tried the milk chocolate and dark chocolate fondue with family and friends... and it is amazing. You can't put a price on how good a little bit of chocolate makes you feel as a tired weary lady/wife/mother/employee/sister/daughter/friend... even more than that, when one of your friends is in need of some comfort and time with friends - there isn't a better way to have some extra special fun than some of your favorite treats dipped in warm chocolate. We offer milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, and caramel milk chocolate... so you can customize your experience to suit your favorite flavors!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


My computer is still sick with a virus, so posting isn't very easy. Hopefully it will be fixed this weekend - and things will get a little easier. Basically right now, if I type too fast for this little crazy machine - it freaks out and starts putting gibberish on the screen. Good times.

This morning, I woke up to read about a friend of a friend who lost their 18 month old daughter yesterday to a piece of furniture falling on her. This hits so close to home because I've got two toddlers as you know - but both are boys - boys who love to climb on anything! Tyler likes to give me a daily heart attack trying to climb up our bookshelf for more books.

It's time to make sure that everything that has a high center of gravity is bolted to the wall. I know that I can't watch them every second of the day -which means that I need some peace of mind when I need to run to the potty by myself or get them another cup of juice.

Please take extra precautions with your own families. I can't imagine going through this type of tragedy, and I would hate to hear about anyone else going through it. I spoke with a friend this morning who works at our local children's hospital and it seems to be a fairly common thing... so please, PLEASE protect your kids.

I feel a bit guilty because at the very time that this family was losing their daughter - I was complaining about a temper tantrum being thrown in my living room. I can only imagine this mother giving anything in the world to be dealing with a temper tantrum right now... and that breaks my heart.

I love my kids more than I could even put into words, but the motherhood gig is hard work - it can bring you to the very limits of your sanity and exhaust you in ways I could never have imagined before I had these two crazy boys.

The 8 years that I waited before having children, I used to roll my eyes and want to throat punch mother's who complained about their kids. Thinking how I'd give up so much to be in their shoes... and I am... sometimes I wonder if I'm grateful enough. Other times, I know that I am overjoyed to be a mother - even while being completely exhausted and out of my mind with toddler irrationality.

In spite of all the crazy antics that we go through on a daily basis - I hope that I never have to go through something like this poor family is going through right now. I pray that God hold them and give them the necessary grace to heal... the peace to be able to try to keep moving through their daily lives... and the earthly support that they will need for a long time to come.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Terrible Twos & Cops

What happens when you take two toddlers to the mall and reward them with a ride on one of those little pay-per-ride machines? Let me indulge you with a story, mkay?

So, my mother in law (Betty) and I took the boys to the mall for a little outing and to get them outfits for some portraits that we were having done the next day. We walked in and immediately got the outfits - then decided to let the boys walk around the mall for a bit because it wasn't busy and they needed to burn off some energy. James pushed the stroller through most of the mall and Tyler walked with MawMaw.

We got about half way through the stroll around the entire mall, when we saw this ride... and MawMaw thought it would be fun to let the boys ride. They'd never gotten the chance, so I agreed.

Only, when the ride was complete... in typical toddler fashion... there were tears that we had to leave the ride behind. Tyler of course recovered decently with the distraction of a sippy cup and some snacks. Which he happily enjoyed in the stroller on the way to the car. James, on the other hand, threw the mother of all fits. Literally, my mother in law carried him through the mall and to the car while he was screaming the entire time.

I know some of you can relate to this scenario... only it gets worse. While loading the boys into the car, James is screaming so loud that he gets the attention of a cop patrolling the parking lot. The cop comes over and pulls in to ask me if everything is alright. Seriously?! Have you never met a 2 year old?

I get that they have to be cautious, but wouldn't you think that someone kidnapping a child would be in a hurry? Or someone beating a child would be less calm about loading them into the car and getting out of dodge? I mean I literally was taking my time loading them in the car to head home... mainly because, I didn't want to be trapped in the car with all that screaming either. HA!

I satisfied the cop enough for him to drive away, offered the boys a Sonic slushy if they chilled out, and off we went. We didn't get a slushy that day because James cried the entire 15 minute ride back to the house... but immediately went up for a nice LOOOOOONG nap. He then proceeded to wake up perfectly happy and go on with the rest of his day.

Just because they're cute - I thought I'd include a shot of them on the way to the mall for their photos with their grandparents... and a few individual shots as well... they are so cute - I can't wait to get the CD back next week.

While there, James took particular interest in the escalators - so being the sucker that his PawPaw is... he got to take his first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth ride on one... they just kept making the loop.

We got MawMaw in on the loop too, so Tyler got to ride about the same number of times... they were so cute!

We also let them ride on the carousel, which luckily did not have the same reaction as the previous ride... he didn't mind getting off because I think the rising zebra scared him a little bit.

Sweet little Tyler enjoying the carousel as well. He is so funny - I think he's just happy to go and do anything you want to - no matter what it is.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What We've Been Up To

Time has been marching along while this blog has been sitting empty - but life has been happening here the whole time... so I thought I'd share some photos of the last few weeks.

Of course my crazy men have been playing non-stop... getting into everything imaginable! Some are more hard-headed than others... sort of like talking to a brick wall... but we'll eventually get there. 

The last day of school for the school year... meaning the boys have been home with Mommy for almost 3 weeks now... I'm counting the hours until summer school starts on Thursday!! 

Tyler with Ms. Robin on the last day of school... he sure did love hanging out with her... and she really seemed fond of him too. We will certainly miss her this summer and next year when both of the boys move up to their next classes. 

James with Ms. Sheri - we sure feel fortunate to have been in her class all year. Another great teacher that the boys loved. My kiddos were always happy to skip into school each week - and I will be sad to not get to chat with her about Pinterest every week when the boys graduate out of her class at the end of the summer session.

We broke out the water table and used it a couple of times - they are WILD men with this thing... including putting their feet in... splashing like mad... generally having a great time playing in the water.

The boys have started giving "brother kisses" which is a GREAT distraction when someone accidentally (or not accidentally) hurts the other one. It's super adorable and was a great photo opp in our most recent portrait trip.

We played a lot in the back yard - took a trip to the Zoo - took a trip to the Children's Museum - tried to stay busy. I'm worn out frankly, and am glad to have one day a week back for a month or so... then one more marathon break until the school year starts and the boys go 2 days a week.

We've also relaxed a bit and watched some movies. I've introduced the boys to some of my favorite Disney movies along with their regular Baby Einstein videos... and I've added some new educational videos to our playlist recently as well. I found two GREAT song videos on YouTube that teach colors - it's amazing to see the videos that catch their attention. They'll stop whatever they are doing and run straight over to the television. I need to find some videos that catch their attention with the alphabet, numbers, and shapes too... if anyone has any suggestions - send them my way!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

James' Day at the Hospital

It's been a bit longer than I'd like since I was able to blog... but I'm dealing with a monster computer virus - hopefully it'll be cleared up in the next week or so though. (What a pain in the rear!)

Last week, my inlaws were here for a visit and to help out with Tyler while we dealt with James' testing. In April, we met with a geneticist for a condition that James has been diagnosed with - and set up a plan to have him set up for an MRI and a bone age scan. (The bone age scan is basically an x-ray of the left hand)

So we checked in to the hospital at 6:30 on the morning of the tests - James in his pajamas because Momma didn't want to mess with getting him dressed when we had to wake him up so early. Tyler got to stay home in bed until 8 and hang with his grandparents...

We then got his hospital bracelet, which was put on his ankle and drove him crazy until I cut it off in the car on the way home. He kept showing it to us and pulling on it. I think he got a kick out of the events of the day to this point because he was just hanging with Mom & Dad all alone.

My sweet little buddy in his hospital gown... he looked so cute, so grown up, and so small - all at the same time.

He got his vital signs taken by the nurse, and I swear if I hadn't experienced so many BAD pediatric people out there - I certainly wouldn't appreciate the people that are truly good at their jobs as much as I do. Between our new pediatrician and the folks at the Children's Hospital - I know that we're now being WELL taken care of. (There isn't much else that can make you feel better about your kids care than good quality health care providers)

Another nurse came in to get his IV set up - to everyone's surprise... James didn't even make a peep. I wish these people could start all of my IV's in the future too! I couldn't have been more proud of by big boy - he just sat there and literally didn't even cry. Within minutes they took him back to get the testing done and sent us to a waiting room.

Apparently, he woke up faster than they thought he would because after about 45 minutes a nurse carried him to the waiting room to greet us. He was certainly groggy, but seemed to be himself. I'd heard that he could wake up angry because of the drugs, but he was alright. His normal independent self if you ask me. They redid his bone age scan before we left, gave him a Sprite and we were on our way home by about 9:00! I was so happy that it didn't drag out all day.

James is so independent, and wanted to walk to the car. He of course couldn't, but tried several times. He'd insist - so John would put him down and hold his arms... then his little legs would go all jelly... and we'd pick him up... only to start the process again a few minutes later. The car ride home was uneventful - he watched his movies and drank his Sprite. When we got home - we put him in our old walker for a bit and within an hour - he was back to normal.

Here he is getting a drink from Daddy after getting out of the walker. Tyler was a bit jealous of the walker, but did great staying with John's parents. From the look of things - he had the run of the house for the morning - which is abnormal and I'm sure tickle him to death.

We kept things pretty low key for the day. We stayed home and only let them play in the back yard for a little bit... just wanted to make sure that James didn't overdo things too much. We're waiting for the results from the tests, but hope to hear back from the geneticist's office in the next day or so with our next steps. We don't expect them to have found anything on the MRI - it was mainly for a baseline in case something develops in the future. So, all we'll expect to hear is information about taking him on to an Ophthalmologist to get checked out and an Endocrinologist as well.

In all, I don't think the day could have gone any better. I was ready for all sorts of drama and to snuggle my baby boy for a good part of the day - but he took it all in stride and we got back to normal within only about an hour! Praise God for that!