Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blog Swap - College Football Style!

Most of us have participated in or heard about a blog swap before - they are fairly popular during the holiday season with Christmas Ornaments or things of that nature. I've done a couple of ornament swaps, and I did a "my favorite things" one last year - great experiences each time.

So, I thought why not celebrate something else that happens in the Fall with a blog swap? I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge football fan, but I thought it might be fun to swap teams... now, no one get crazy - I'm not suggesting that you are sent items from another team...

I'm suggesting that you sign up here... I will match you with another person and you buy them a few things from the team they like. There are so many products out there for each team (at least the division 1 teams) that I think it could be fun.

I'm proposing that we spend less than $20 and see what you get... maybe there is some new candy dedicated to the Hogs, maybe some cute socks that look like Big Al, maybe you want to get something for your partner's kids - a toy that looks like the mascot perhaps? The sky is the limit and creativity is your friend. I'll even bet that if time is short, you could likely take care of it via Amazon... but you can likely find cuter items elsewhere - so have fun with it!

My promise to you? I will not match you up with a rival - so no Auburn fans will be matched with Alabama... no Aggies matched with t.u. or Tech (even though our rivals are now different)... and so on. That way, you won't have to get divorce lawyers on the phone at home... or go into convulsions over buying something you are so set against.

I'd like to choose partners at the beginning of August, and have everything shipped off by the 20th so that it arrives to your partner before Labor Day and the big kickoff weekend of new football season.

So in the words of Jerry Maguire -- "Who's with me?"

It would be great if y'all would help get the word out about this too by Tweeting it and posting on your blogs about it too!

All you have to do now is sign up in the comments (having a blog is not required) and I'll take care of the rest - along with reminder emails to help keep us all with the deadlines.

*** Please leave me your Name, Email, and Football Team of choice in your comment.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Body Image

I've been kicking this post around in my head for a few weeks. I've been unsure if I even want to go here or just keep to myself and bury it down as deep as possible. Depending on when you jumped on board reading my tiny piece of the internet - you may or may not know where this blog started.

It started in 2007, with a journal through my experience and recovery from weight loss surgery. Within one year from my surgery - I lost 95 pounds. Not what I wanted in terms of my goals, but still a good loss. The best news was that my diabetes and blood pressure issues were reversed.

Fast forward through fertility treatments, adoption, and pregnancy... and I feel like I'm back where I started. I know in reality that I'm not, but I'm headed in a direction that I don't like. My blood sugars are back on the rise, and while my weight isn't going up - it isn't going down either.

One of the things they warn you about when you have weight loss surgery is something called Body Dismorphia which is a condition that has many forms, but when you lose 100 pounds in a year - what you see in reality is very different from what you see in your head. While I was much thinner, I saw myself the same. In the mirror, I still saw the same person. I still see her today. I am still very much of the shy wall flower that I was back then in public settings - I'm the poster child for weight issues causing social anxiety. I do not put myself out there because I'm scared of what people think of me. It's sad, but very true.

I know that I've gained back some of the weight that I lost. I'm not happy with where I am, but more importantly I want to feel good enough to keep up with my kids. Bottom line, today - I also want to be healthy enough to conceive and carry our third child. There is a bit of work to be done before that's possible, thanks to some very bad medical advice - but I've seen an endocrinologist to get my blood chemistry where it needs to be... and one of the medications (a once a week shot) that I'm on has been known to help with weight loss.

I can tell you why... every time I've eaten since I took my first shot, I get nauseated and have stomach cramps. Which as you can imagine... causes me to not eat very much. I need to get myself to a place where I can work out on a regular basis as well... I just don't know where to fit that in. My best guess is to walk on the treadmill in the morning during the time between John leaves for work in the morning and the time the boys wake up. Hopefully I can walk and get in a shower during that time.

I know that the walking can only help with my blood chemistry, energy levels, stress levels, and overall health. Now I just need to put the plan into action. (Read, help me!!) I also need to learn to see myself for the good things that are there and not the short comings that I perceive to be there. No one is ever a complete project, and I certainly am a work in progress - I just want to do what is best for me. I want to do what is best for my family in the long run so that I can be the best Mommy and Wife that I can be for many years to come.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Vominator

Well, the good news is we saw the doctor... the bad news... we saw the doctor. As I knelt on the floor last night cleaning up yet another mess from the Exorcist baby, it in some ways I came to a realization. In a lot of cases, you have to take doctor advice and tailor it to your needs. (Homeboy had FIVE meals yesterday thanks to losing two!)

What I mean by that is, sometimes you've got to take the advice and make it work for your situation and your child. A friend said to me yesterday, "You know your child much better than any doctor." She's right, so I know that some of what he said is true... some, however, doesn't quite fit.

We talked about the neurological aspects of vomiting and coughing at the doctor's office - in as much depth as you can with two crazy toddlers running wild. The doctor is of the opinion that it is emotional, and that the main thing to remember is that I can't let it alter me as a parent. (Oh, but it has!) He said that it may take us having a "throw up all you want" approach for a while if necessary while reigning in control.

That's all well and good, to a certain point - it's true. We'll do dances and sing to keep this kid from throwing up and in a disciplinary moment - that has to stop. So, I will absolutely begin working on that - and just parenting the same way I would James.

I do understand that you've got to parent the child in the way they need - not just a set way across the board... as each child is different and has their own needs/issues. On the same hand, I want the boys to be held to the same standards with the same consequences - at least at this point. I'm sure somewhere down the road - they will respond to different consequences more effectively... but today, we've got limited resources for that with toddlers.

Another thing that I know, is that there is a certain amount of this that isn't emotional. Tyler has got a very sensitive gag reflex, it's been obvious since birth. When he was a tiny infant - he would give up a whole bottle if the nipple hit his mouth wrong. It was such a problem that we basically had to be the only two people to feed him in order to prevent others from being covered in formula. Today, it comes in the form of accidentally (or maybe not) clipping that gag reflex with any number of things: toys, eating utensils, or his hands.

I've heard of toddlers being able to control situations by various different behavioral issues, but it's so hard to believe that your 21 month old baby is being a toddler terror controlling you. I mean, if you've been around here - you've seen his cute little face... it's hard to reconcile!

Where do we go from here? I'm in the process of talking with John and a Doctor I met online that has dealt with this in her own family. For us, I think it's going to have to come on a case by case basis. Where it is clear that it's a response to get us to not punish him or alter things in that way (aka tantrum) - we will stay the course and deal with what happens. Where it's a reaction to being hurt, scared, or an issue with gagging - we will likely try to prevent the episode with our normal attempts.

I certainly hope that I'm not dancing and acting like a total dork when this kid is 21 to keep him from barfing!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vomit Showers

If that title doesn't get your attention, I don't know what will. We have a problem in these parts, a serious one. I've got a child that vomits on a regular (almost daily) basis... because of any number of issues. Which child, you might ask...

This child, Tyler. It's insanity - truly. We're not just talking about a big spit up either - we're talking about projectile vomiting with it coming out his nose too. I can't deal with cleaning it up anymore - it's exhausting.

What causes this, you might ask? Oh just about anything.

  • an after meal cough
  • discipline
  • toddler tantrum
  • getting hurt
  • put him in bed when he's awake
  • he wakes up in the night and you don't make it upstairs in time
  • hands or toy being too deep in his throat
These are all daily occurrences around here in toddlerland, and I'm at the end of my rope. My baby constantly smells like vomit... his clothes smell... and for the love, I smell too! If it weren't for my Scentsy - we'd be in even more serious trouble.

He's done this most of his life too - when he was an infant - if it wasn't John or I feeding him, it would happen then too and you'd be covered in an entire bottle. He just couldn't handle it if the nipple on his bottle hit his mouth a certain way... it was easier for us to just feed him ourselves.

The other fun trick with this? He wants to eat again immediately after - I mean literally within 5 minutes. Just fill him back up with a second meal... groovy, right? GRRRRR!

Thankfully, we're headed to the pediatrician this afternoon to get his ears rechecked after an ear infection... so guess what will be a big topic of discussion?! There might just be tears of desperation involved too - I mean I don't know what to do... load him up with anti-nausea medicines? continue walking on eggshells with him? (Dear God, please say no on that one!)

People say it's a phase and he will grow out of it - well we've been in this phase for 21 months and I'm about to need a padded cell because I'm losing my mind.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Bee

On Friday night, while I was playing with my camera... this guy was flying around our porch, and I had to see what I could capture with that crazy telephoto lenses. I think I got some decent shots for someone that hasn't dabbled in photography in many years... okay, since high school - and it truly hurts that high school can now be considered many years ago, but I digress.

I also got some shots of a few flowers around the yard as well. I'm impressed - now if only they could make these things not to stinkin' large!

We're headed out this morning for a play date with some friends from MOPS - I hope that the boys have a good time and burn some energy. It's an enclosed outdoor park at a local church... we'll see!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Toddler Party Weekend

Two little men had a very busy and entertaining weekend with their Daddy. I was around to document the fun, but have been under the weather - so I was only an observer.

We started out with Daddy coming home early on Friday - he surprised the boys when they got up from naps, and started the super play weekend. We hung out inside and after dinner, took the boys outside for some fun with their swing set. I used our telephoto lenses on the camera and was amazed at the photos I got with it.

Anyway, the boys played for about 30 minutes, and a good strong wind came through to cool them off a bit. Here are a few photos of them playing...

Just before we came in for bath time - John prayed the boys with the hose to cool them down. He was watering the flowers on the porch and just happened to turn the sprinkler on the boys - Tyler wasn't as sure about it, but James thought it was super fun. We found that funny because Tyler doesn't mind taking a shower when needed, but James will scream bloody murder.

Saturday, was when I started getting really ill... but John entertained the boys with a jump-o-lene that my Mom sent for them. It's like a toddler trampoline and they had a blast. James had so much fun the wanted to permanently move into the thing. He threw the biggest (and I mean epic) fit when it was time to stop and go have dinner.

Today, we brought out one of James' birthday presents from April. They've been playing with the car portion of it since we got it, but they just weren't quite ready for the roller coaster portion. When we first tried it in April, it was kinda scary. They had a wonderful time with it today - we're just not quite the best at "taking turns" at this point in our lives.

If those aren't the faces of some happy and joyful boys - I don't know what is. They have had a blast this weekend - they've gone to bed fairly early each night 7:00, slept until 8:30 in the mornings... and have taken some decent 2 hour naps too. Safe to say that we've worn them out - but they've enjoyed every minute of it.

As for me, I'm still on the sickly side... have a slight fever and a stomach virus that is kicking my tail... but I'm grateful it happened over the weekend when I had back up during the worst of it.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Letter to Me

Today, I thought I'd write a little something reflective and personal... a letter to the younger version of me...

Disney World circa 1994

To the High School Me:

You certainly have the world in your grasp, even though you don't have much desire to go to college... you will be glad you did when you look back and realize that very few of your friends from high school have a degree to fall back on. Your friends today will be a distant memory for the most part in a few years... only a handful will still be in contact with you in your 30's and it's not the end of the world. Somewhere in your early/mid 20's you will find out that your parents weren't quite as dumb as you thought they were - some of the things they said were correct, and you will be grateful for a grounded upbringing instead of the lavish lifestyles of some of your former friends. Your more grounded values will help you accomplish many things that others won't... it will also give you a good foundation to build on when times are tough.

Spend more time writing and reading - they will always be your passions... and when you have toddlers at home one day - time for these hobbies will be a premium. Try to keep some of the whimsy and fun of your youth in your heart with you always... don't always be so serious/intense. Don't worry so much about what others think - because this may take over your thoughts in your 30's.

Above all else, follow your dreams. Know that every twist and turn in your life over the next 20 years or so will shape you into the person that you were meant to be. Some of these life experiences will be HARD, but stick with it... the journey is worth it!

College circa 1998

To the College Me: 

These truly are some of the greatest years for so many reasons - take advantage more! Not everyone has the blessing of going to college and not having to work... a free ride to study and do whatever you want to do is an amazing gift. Buckle down a bit more on the studies and stick with your original degree plan - you will spend a lot of time unsuccessfully trying to get back to that plan over the years to come. 

Guard your heart a bit more, you can't rescue or save everyone - you can give assistance as needed, but don't let it bring you down or effect your everyday life. Make your own choices based on what YOU want - not based on anyone else: for instance, that high school sweetheart you moved home for - will call you that very day to tell you he got someone else pregnant. It works out for the best, but don't base your big life decisions on anyone else at this point... that comes with marriage and family. Dating someone 10+ years older than you at this stage of your life is a MISTAKE... especially the man you end up dating - alcoholism and abuse will follow in this case, and will take you quite some time to overcome. 

Embrace the new found relationships with family that you haven't always been close to... they are amazing people that will be your support system through some incredible journeys. Enjoy the victories and triumphs that come from stepping completely out of your comfort zone - these will be some of the projects and events you will be incredibly proud of for your whole life. Some of the best things come from taking a leap of faith... 

Your life might not look like you expected it to on your 30th birthday... but in spite of the pain you feel in those days... some INCREDIBLE things are on the horizon before you turn 32! Faithfulness and prayer will get you through it, and the journal you keep during some of those incredibly dark days will be a treasured keepsake looking back.

In terms of career, just realize that money isn't everything - smaller and happier is much more important. Don't leave a job that you are comfortable in just for money - because it will lead to two very draining and abusive jobs... stay where you are happy and able to do a variety of things for people that are even tempered and family oriented. 

Hang in there, because it will for sure be a bumpy ride... but every moment is well worth the trouble! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I pretty much disappeared in the middle of a blog challenge, and I'm so sad about that. Good thing I over commented on the days that I participated - so I did manage to complete my commitment. I've been so ill in general that I can't manage to get much of anything done other than take care of the boys and get our meals prepared.

The visit to my orthopedic surgeon didn't go as well as I had hoped. I do have an official diagnosis on that end, but no treatment was done for me. My blood sugar is out of control right now, and any treatment that could be done on my shoulders would cause even more problems with that issue. I'll get to see an endocrinologist next Thursday - so hopefully from there things can start falling into place.

For right now, I'm struggling to keep up because my body aches continually... I'm having trouble sleeping... and my chemistry is off from taking bad advice from a doctor that I questioned. I should know better, and trust my gut... but I let him sway me... never again.

I've got a rare moment with the boys being at school that I can sit down to blog. I miss writing so much, but it just isn't easy right now.

On a happier note, I want to take a moment to tell you about something AMAZING that happened. I found out shortly before the holiday that my Scentsy sales for June were quite noteworthy! I was the #1 seller for my sponsor's team in June by having sales more than double the amount of the next person on the list. Additionally, I was #3 in sales for my entire up-line of 2,800 people! I'm amazed! I am NOT a salesperson at all... which tells you something about these products, they are so amazing they sell themselves. My love for the company and joy in offering these to friends and family got me here. I would LOVE to help anyone else reach their goals as well - my commission this month will cover a car payment and our insurance! Would you love to help your family while staying home with your kids? Let me help you turn your scents into dollars - join my team - I'll coach you and walk through this path to success with you!

A few July specials I want to share with you as well...

It's Bring Back My Bar month, where our wonderful fans vote to bring back 20 retired scents to be sold for 1 month only! Stock up while they are available!

 $5 for 1 bar
$14 for 3 bars (save $1)
$25 for 6 bars (save $5)
$85 for the entire collection of 20 bars!  (save $15)

My personal favorites are: Cashmere, Citrus Sun Tea, Luscious Lemon, and Maui Mist

 Ohana is adorable, and such a cute representation of summer! It is 10% off this month - $31.50!

Lemons & Berries is the scent for July and is described as: A refreshing as a frosty-sweet glass of lemonade on a hot day: Juicy strawberries and red currants cut with a blast of zesty citrus.

I'm launching a customer reward program this month as well this month, and would love to tell you more about it - leave me your email in a comment - and I'll send you the details. 

Finally, I've got a couple of blog friends hosting parties for me this month...  it would be worth it for you to check out these parties... trust me, click over! Shannon - Life After I Dew and Pam - Our Love Nest (Pam's party starts on the 9th)