Monday, March 31, 2008

Relating to God

Here are the suggested steps that my pastor uses in his quiet time with God.

1) Start with thanks and praise for what God has already done in your life.
2) Read Scripture - Kevin works his way through one book at a time, reading one chapter a day.
3) Pray - He keeps a prayer journal, and has a scheduled time that he prays for each group in his life. Two days a week, he prays for friends & family, another two days he prays for our church as a whole, and the remaining two days he prays for specific prayer requests that church members have given him.... yes he takes Sundays off because he is focused on the sermon and our church member needs.

I've written and asked him for suggestions on where I can start reading scripture - and a little guidance on that... as I've tried reading cover to cover and got completely lost. My Dad has made some suggestions, but I guess once again - I'm looking for a professional opinion. (sorry Dad!!)

I've also asked someone to consider being my mentor and helping me learn scripture - so hopefully I'll hear back from her in the next day or two, and get started on that as well. Kevin told me originally when I asked him - that it needs to be someone of the same gender to mentor and help with discipleship, so I chose someone - and asked. I don't know if she has time for that in her life right now, but if she can't do it now - maybe she can help me find someone else that does. (I hope that sounds the way I intended - I completely understand if she can't make that commitment right now, and wish her nothing but the best. She's someone that I haven't known very long, but really respect spiritually.)

At our retreat, our speaker also told us about the power of having a kindred spirit friend that is a friendship following the example of Paul and Barnabas... and I began talking to another friend of mine that I respect spiritually, Sarah, about how I'd love to be her kindred spirit... we've been friends for over a year, and I think that we really do love our friendship and just need to make a little more time to hang out now that we've found different church homes.

So spiritually speaking... things are moving in a very positive direction for me right now, and I look forward to nurturing relationships in the future, and growing in those relationships as well as my relationship with God.

Last of Vacation

Today is the last day of our wonderful vacation... it's been great, so great in fact - neither of us wants it to end! I'm sitting here now listening to my husband practicing his worship music, and just got finished emailing my pastor, and his wife... seperately for different reasons.

John and I had a great day yesterday - our pastor's sermon gave me some new ideas of how to expand my relationship with God... and I am committed to finding some time in each day to expand that knowledge and relationship.

Our church had a special event yesterday too - where we took all of our visitors to the church yesterday to lunch... we enjoyed it so much, and had John's parents with us along with another couple that used to go to our old church.

John and I really love our new church - it has been such a breath of life for us... and is very different from our old church - in a good way. Not better, but different... we loved Fellowship of Houston too, but for different things. Cypress Family Fellowship has already embraced us in such a way that we feel like we're part of the family in a much shorter time frame than it took us to get completely involved at FOH.

John is going to be leading Worship on a weekend when our main Worship Leader, Justin, can't be there with us... and John is so excited. He really didn't think he'd be able to get back involved with the music that he loves so much as quickly as he has been able to, and it's been such a blessing.

After taking pictures for the women's retreat this weekend, our pastor, Kevin, has asked if I'd be interested in becoming the "official" photographer for our church. This is right up my alley, and a perfect committment for me right now. John and I talked about how I could get involved, but with things being crazy right now - I couldn't commit as much time as I really would like to. So this is definintly God working his will and showing me a perfect way that I can help in the time that I can give.

I've done a lot of reading about the first year in a teacher's career, and it is such an adjustment and building time - you really have to cut a lot out and focus on getting all your materials and plans prepared for your students... and figure out ways to get everything graded and maintained... so I truly believe this is just one more way that God is helping me get my life in order in a way to be able to start the career that I've dreamed of for most of my life (the only other one I've dreamed about this long is being a mother... and I pray that in his time - he'll allow me the priviledge of doing that too.) and at the same time help out in my own special way for my church and their ministry.

I guess that I'm closing out this vacation with more hope than I've had in a long time - I really am starting to feel like it is part of God's plan for me this year... and that putting the career change on hold for a year in order for me to have my life changing surgery... is all part of his plan for my future. At the same time - I think that the end of Fellowship of Houston was more of a gift than I realized at the time, because without that happening - we might never have found our way to our new Church Family.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Retreat Recap

Let me start by saying that when we get to the pictures - they are NOT in the order I wanted them to be, but it took so long for them to upload - I'm leaving it.

Our retreat was fabulous - I'll start by sharing the events, but I'm also going to share some of the information from one of the discussions that was given by our speaker.

On Friday night - we arrived just in time for dinner, and getting our stuff to our cabins. After dinner, we had our first worship session and speaker discussion. The women that lead our worship did a really great job, and the music was chosen well!! A lot of my old favorites, and some new songs as well. The speaker, Libba, was an amazing woman... she's one of those people that has lived through incredible odds (she's got some severe health problems) but her faith is so incredibly visible through all of her actions. She told us stories about sharing the Lord with people at different times in her life... and one of the times she was in the middle of having her third or fourth transplant, and witnessed to the anesthesiologist!!

We had a breakout session with our small groups, and started that with a game. The retreat planners took some beach balls and wrote some "get to know you" questions on them... you'd toss the ball around the group, and whatever question your thumb landed on when you caught it was the one that you'd answer for your group. Our first discussion with Libba was about the story of Mary & Martha... so we talked about that story in our small groups, and also went through some discussion questions about what we learned.

At the end of that time - we had the opportunity to work on a breakout session that was a craft project. We took small spiral notebooks, and decorated them with scrapbook items to make personalized prayer notebooks. It was really fun, and such a cute idea... some of the different journal designs were really amazing! We've got some really creative people at this church!

I ended up getting to bed at about 11:30 on Friday night, but had a wonderful time... when we got to our rooms that night - they surprised us with letters from our husbands... mine was a lovely 2 page letter from John... such a special treat, and it came at a great time for all of us.

We started the day on Saturday at about 7 AM. Unfortunately the people that run the retreat center had a glitch with the pilot lights on the water heaters... and some of us ended up taking COLD showers to get ready for the day. (Lets just say... I was ALERT and ready to learn!)

After breakfast - we had some quiet time to spread out on the grounds of the retreat center and pray/read scripture...or whatever we wanted to do spiritually. We had a drama at the beginning of our session that followed our theme (spring cleaning) where we wore some decorated yellow dish gloves and did a little workout. It was really funny... and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Our second speaker session was amazing. She taught us about Psalms 51:10, 12-13 - Through those versus, she taught us about having a clean heart, a committed heart, and a called heart for God. Listening to the stories of her experience and her life - really drove the points home, and I wish that all my friends could have been there to hear what she had to teach us.

We had another small group discussion before lunch, and I had such a great small group!! Our leader Nicole was able to keep us on topic, and draw some really interesting and heartfelt responses from us... I learned a lot about the women that I was paired with, and I think they learned quite a bit about me as well.

We had some more free time during our next break, and they set up "washtubs" for us to leave notes to each other... and I took that time to write several notes to the people that I'd met this weekend.

The third session was about fasting, and I didn't feel that I can do that at this time medically - with the little amount of food that I can take in, and my health needs... but had I really known that she was going to cover ways to do it without skipping meals - I would have attended this discussion. Instead - I played Pounce (a card game) with some ladies in the retreat center cafe.

At the end of the day - we had some more time of worship, and reflection at this lovely rock pond, and then our weekend was over. I can't wait to go on the next retreat... but this was so life changing... and so out of character for me... I never go to events without a friend to take with me... but I jumped out there, and I know that I've been rewarded by meeting some really lovely women - and getting to know others better over the course of the weekend.

This is a picture of the view from my cabin's porch.

Our washtubs hung on the wall so that we could fill them with bubbles.

The lake that is on the retreat center's property... we could have gone canoeing... but didn't.

Another view of the reflection pond... where we closed the retreat.

Most of the ladies on the retreat... we had a few that had to leave early.

The flip flops that the retreat planners made for everyone... they were on our beds when we checked in.

My bed...

The porch at my cabin...

The barn where we had all of our sessions and events...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hitting Exhaustion

Hi everyone,

We are back from our retreat, and it was a fabulous time. I am however, extremely tired - so I'm going to keep the recap for tomorrow's post. There is so much to go through and process that I really need to be more alert to do it justice.

While I was gone - our wonderful cleaning lady came, and the house looks amazing - it was like walking into a hotel or something... and I SO appreciate it! A few things were changed and moved around when I got home tonight too - so I'll share a couple of photos of that... and tomorrow expect lots of fun retreat photos and stories.

This is our new television for our main family room.

Here is a wider view, but believe me... we're in the process of shopping for something to go under the television for the components and all the cords!

This used to be in the family room, but now makes a nice addition to our bedroom.

One lovely piece from the retreat - this cross was my gift for being the retreat photographer. It is so beautiful... and John immediately hung it when I got home. It's really in a nice place right on the stairway - in plain view of the front door.

So, I'm seriously on my way to bed right now... I'm almost delirious at this point... for those keeping up on a regular basis - John's eye is doing better. It's 45% healed - so he can cut back on the antibiotics and goes back for one more follow up next Saturday. (Isn't is scary that the main ingredient in his eye drops is boric acid?!)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Crazy Days

Well, it's been another crazy day in paradise... I'm getting ready to leave for my women's retreat, but got sidetracked this morning. John has been having trouble with one of his eyes this week, and it finally proved to be to much for him... so I had to rush him to the eye doctor this morning. We looked online and the place opened at 9:00 (or so they said), but when we got there it said that the doctor's office opens at 9:30... well by 10:00 they were finally there and open. We sat there for an hour, with the hubby in pain, and getting more and more irritated by the minute. Anyone that knows John fairly well, knows that he can have a little bit of a temper - and when he doesn't feel well... he's just miserable.

Anyway - the poor guy has an ulcer in his eye, which apparently is a freak thing that can happen... so he's got to put some antibiotic drops in his eye every 2 hours and he has to go back tomorrow for another check up at 2:30. He says that it's already feeling better, but that might also be because he knows that I'm worried about leaving him overnight with a bad eye. They told him to go to the emergency room if he has any trouble after hours, and of course - I freaked... being the doting wife - I can't stand the thought of him possibly going to the ER and me not being able to be there with him.

So, I got him back home, and have since given our lab a shave... and a bath... and our little, Boston Terrier (or Boston Terrible - depending on what name I'm calling her at the time) a bath too. So they're now drying and grooming themselves... and John is watering the back yard and cleaning up the hair from the shave.

In a little over an hour, John is going to drop me off to catch up with my carpool out to the retreat center... and then the fun begins. Have I mentioned how out of character it is that I'm going on this retreat?! I never go anywhere without bringing a friend or being brought by a friend... so I'm certainly getting outside of my box to go spend the night with women that I either haven't met - or barely know. Do we think that losing 60 pounds can make that much of a difference - that it makes you be more outgoing? I don't know about that, but it really didn't take them that much convincing to get me to sign up.

I'm the offical photographer - so I'm sure that I'll have some fun pictures to share tomorrow of where we stayed and what we did. I think tonight I'm going to a session where we'll be decorating a prayer journal (how scrapbooky of us!) and use to write about my prayers and things. I also think that there are big plans to play games and things too... so that'll be fun. Tomorrow is the main session, and all the fun that it will bring - I signed up for two break out groups of the three that were offered. The only one that I'm not participating in is about fasting, and I don't think that it would be a good idea for me to think about fasting at this point - because my doctors still want me eating at least every 3 hours. Maybe next year... but we'll have to see - I'm pretty sensitive to not eating - I get migraines if I go to long without eating something.

I hope that you all have a great night, and I'll post again tomorrow night when I get home!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Power of Observation

My observation day was fabulous... I have to say that I only spent a half day at the school, but wasn't feeling well this afternoon - so I rested.

I got to school around 8:15 - just in time to watch some first graders do the announcements and say the pledge. From there I met with the Assistant Principal who made my schedule for the morning.

From there - I made my way to the first hour of observation with a 3rd grade class. They were checking homework at the time, and were very cute. After checking their homework - they were beginning an assignment based on a story they read yesterday, but the neat thing was they were given the choice of 4 different projects they could complete. I don't remember the last choice, but they could write a story about their reading, draw a volcano and label it, or draw a rock painting... which was the most popular choice other than the volcano. Basically for the rock painting - they took a paper lunch bag, and cut up one side and then cut the bottom out. From there they were to draw a picture about the story and write a sentence about what they drew... the part that makes is a "rock painting" is that they crumble up the bag to make it look like the texture of a rock. I was sitting next to a student in this class (a little boy) and he was so cute... he asked me if I was going to be there all day, and even looked a little sad when I told him that I actually had to go visit some other classes. (The funny thing is that the little boys are the ones that intimidate me the most, and of course today were two of the cutest kids that I met!)

Next, I spent an hour with a 2nd grade class - they were doing their reading workshop when I got there... which meant that they each were reading a book of their chosing, and had to fill in a worksheet with the title, characters, setting, and main idea. Then they started working on an "author study" of Stan & Jan Berenstain... of the Berenstain Bears books... (which I LOVE) so she showed them a website, and gave them a short preview of how to google something... then they talked about the 4 main characters of the Berenstain Bears series, and she had a stack of the books for them to preview. They are going to be working with these books for the next couple of weeks - so she gave them just a few minutes to pass some of the titles around their tables to get familiar with them. This teacher had a little girl in her class that just got here 2 weeks ago from Thailand, who doesn't speak any English yet... so it was interesting to see how she handled integrating her into the class. There was a little boy in this class that kept waving at me... he was the cutest thing I've ever seen... and really seemed interested in what I was doing.

Thirdly, I spent a half hour with a Kindergarten class. They are the smallest little bundles of energy... constantly in motion. They have what they call "centers" set up in the room where the kids do various activities for short periods of time to learn different skills... a lot of them are through specially designed games and activities that are fun for them... a great way to start their love of learning. During the time I was there, they also did a group reading activity where they read a really big book... but the kids had been working on it for a while so they could read the story to the teacher. It was great to see the fundamentals in action... and it makes me realize where it all starts. I don't think this age group is for me because they are just a little bit too young, but very cute just the same.

Finally, I spent an hour with a 4th grade class. They are getting ready for their state exams at the end of April. They were working on reading skills - mostly with context clues and gathering information from what they are reading. After a very small lesson - they spent the rest of the time working independently on underlining context clues and answering questions. The teacher worked her way around to everyone answering questions. It was the least interactive of the classes I saw, but still was a valuable thing for me to see.

After all of this - I realized a few things... I definently was right yesterday when I told the lady tht interviewed me that 4th grade would be my third choice. 2nd and 3rd grade really would be a toss up for me... as I loved them both.

The only thing that scared me about all of this was the set up of the classrooms, but having now seen it in action - I'm much more comfortable with it. Basically the set up is sort of like big gyms, that are broken up by cabinets that are about shoulder high for an adult. So it's like 4 classes in one big open area... and I was wondering how I would be able to lecture and talk over 3 other teachers while keeping the kids attention... but that's not the way it works at all. The kids are only really at their desks when they are doing independent work... when they are being taught lessons - they bring the kids up to the front of the class and teach to them while sitting in a small group on the floor. So it's really not loud at all - because everyone is so close - she can talk pretty softly... and the classes really don't disturb each other.

It was an invaluable experience, and I really appreciate my friend Anne allowing me to visit with her teachers and school today. It gave me some great experience to draw from next year, but also allowed me to see what I want to do with my life in action... and reaffirmed that this is exactly where I want to be.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Reward for John

Well, since I was so overwhelmed by his sweetness today... I slipped back into an old habit. I cooked him a special dinner. I made him bacon wrapped scallops, chicken fried steak, mac & cheese, and sweet peas. Then I also made him some brownies... not the worlds greatest choices for me, but I managed to eat a little of the chicken fried steak, mac & cheese and peas... and I was completely satisfied.

He's now out with a friend at our friend's new church... our friend Robby is a worship pastor at a church north of town, and they are at worship practice. Robby was the worship leader at our old church, which John was a part of... so they share a love of music.

John was asked to lead worship today by our new church while our regular worship leader is out one weekend in April... which means that John will be singing again. Actually he'll be singing again starting this week, and I'm really happy for him. Being involved in worship at church has been such a blessing for him, and I'm thrilled that God has provided him the opportunity.

I'll leave you for today with a picture of me on my way out to my interview. This is one of the outfits I bought last weekend.

Interview Complete

Before we get to the details of my interview... I have to tell you about my wonderful husband. You know, sometimes marriage is challenging - but then there are also days when you realize that you've won the marriage lottery! I was getting ready for my interview this morning, and John called to tell me to check my email... it's then that I realized how amazing he truly is.

He'd sent this email to our close family & friends:

As most of you know, Kim has her district interview with Cy-Fair ISD today. In addition, she will be spending Thursday and Friday observing 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade classes at an elementary school in Cy-Fair ISD. We all know the power of prayer works, and that is why I am asking all of our friends and family to join me in praying for Kim (especially around 1PM today). If you are unsure what to say, this is a short version of what I have been praying for the last several days:

"Dear God, thank you for this day and for allowing us to start anew. Please bring a calmness and peace to Kim as she goes into the interview process later today. Give her favor with the interviewer and allow them to see all of the good qualities that would make Kim and excellent teacher. Give Kim the strength and the knowledge to answer each question, without hesitation, in a manner that would be pleasing to You. I thank you for all that You have done, helping to get us to this point and I thank you in advance for the blessings that You will shower down upon us. Amen."

I know that it will mean a lot to Kim to know that each one of you is praying for her and rooting for her as she goes through this today.

God Bless!

He then sent me a long list of responses from those family & friends:

From our Pastor: I have prayed for you today and am certain that God will open His doors for you. I know God will bless you with the words to speak and the answers necessary for His will to be done. I look forward to hearing about the positive results and seeing what God has in store for you! You guys are great and I know I speak for those who have gotten to know you—we are glad you are a part of our church! God bless you and keep me posted.

From one of John's cousins: You got it! Prayer works

From a friend: Thanks John for sharing this important day with me. Know I'll be praying and can't wait to hear "all about it".

From another friend: John, that is the sweetest request. You're a great example of a Godly loving husband. I will be in prayer for Kim this afternoon and look forward to hearing about offers soon. Keep shining!

From our Pastor's wife: Thanks for including me in this, John. I will be praying for her in the next few days and know that the Lord has great things in store for her!

From my sister, Cathi: Thanks for the heads up. I will be sending all my best thoughts and prayers to Kim today. Hope you guys are doing well. Talk to you soon.

From a friend: Will be praying...

From my Dad: I will do John. She and you are in my prayers every day. Thanks for your faith.

From a friend: I am praying for you today at 1:00! Let me know how it goes! You will do GREAT!

From my sister, Cindy: I am praying! She will do great and have the favor of God! Let us know how it goes!

From a friend: Will do! Keep us posted :)

From our old Pastor: I prayed for Kim to be blessed! Let me know how it goes.

I am so overwhelmed at the love, and prayers... not to mention that sometimes my husband's love takes my breath away.

The interview went pretty well, it was just a screening interview - so they don't actually do any of the hiring from that office. They forward your information on to all the principals. There are 49 schools within this district - so I feel sure that I'll do fine... but I can't wait for the next phone call!!

I felt like my answers to her questions were pretty good - but you all know how that goes - you just talk and hope that you're saying things that are relatively similar to what they want to hear. She asked me things like: "What do you envision your relationship with your students to look like?" "What skills do you bring that others might not?" "How will you teach children with different learning styles?" " What kind of people do you want to work with?" "What are your top three grade level choices to work with?"

I feel like I did really well at answering those, and I don't think that there is any one right way to answer them. When talking about the relationship with the kids - she asked "If a student yells at you... would you yell back?" My answer was "No, I feel like as the adult - it is my job to teach the child in that moment. My responsibility is to get the child out of the moment, and to react to the situation calmly."

Tomorrow I go to the school at 8:30 and have a full day in store for me... I don't know exactly what my schedule will be, but I'm sure that it will be interesting. I'll meet with the principal at some point during the day, and hopefully she can pull up my score from the interview today - and possibly give me an idea of how my application ranks in with all the others. I know that the purpose of the interview today was to give me a score, and if it is to low - they won't even look at my application any further... having said that though - the lady was pretty positive with me, and told me all about how the next step of the process works... so I feel really good about it.

Thanks to everyone for their kindness and well wishes. As I'm writing this - my heart is so full of love for everyone, and I feel truly blessed to have you all in my life.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It's here - the relaxation that I've been waiting for... although it's not completely time for me to bum in front of the television... or spend at the spa... but I'll take it. Time away from my office is always welcomed.

John's cousin, Tiffany, called us last night and is building a house about 5 minutes from ours... we're really excited, and can't wait to welcome our new neighbors this summer!! It'll be nice to have some family within close driving distance. Up to this point - our closest family was John's parents who were at least 45 minutes away.

My interview is tomorrow, and things are shaping up for my observation time on Thursday - I don't know if she's scheduling for Friday as well, but hopefully I'll know more about that schedule tomorrow. Either way - I'm excited to see what God has in store for me in the next few days... it'll definently give me lots of things to blog about!

I'm still having some trouble getting my energy levels back up after being sick last week, and have had a few minor blips in the road this week... I know it's the start of allergy season - because they are doing our daily pollen reports on the news every morning... and our cars are all covered in a film of yellow... which means that the nasal problems, headaches, and other general allergy discomfort is beginning for all of us here in Texas as well.

By the time I write tomorrow - I'll have completed my interview... so wish me luck!! I'll fill ya'll in tomorrow evening.

Monday, March 24, 2008

1 Hour & 1 Day

I officially have one more hour left of work today, and then tomorrow... and I'm off for 6 straight days... you know, it's never enough of a break... but I'm so looking forward to it. The only time it will ever be completely satisfying is when I leave this place for good... the stress and psychotic-ness of my coworkers is just not worth it. Not only that, but even when you have joy in your life... say over your new weight loss or anything else good going on outside of here... they suck the fun out of it! ARG!

I so try to be the better person (I'm not saying bigger person anymore) because I know that somewhere deep down - God is trying to teach me something by having me here, but it is truly a test of my humility at times. For instance, our Monday morning staff meeting - at 10 AM... the week is barely getting started, and they already assume I'm working on a certain project because I've screwed it up somehow. It has to be my incompetency because it certainly can't be that it's someone else's mistake... or not a mistake at all - just something we need to work through. Nope - it's always because of something that I've done wrong...

After a while - it becomes hard to separate and realize that it's not you... it's their miserable lives that is the real issue... but honestly - I know that there has to be something better out there. There has to be a boss somewhere that is human, and can work through whatever issues arise without belittling their employees and berating them in front of their coworkers.

I know that the world of education won't always be perfect, but I sincerely hope that there is at least an ounce of professionalism... and respect... or at least the ability for me to respect myself, and do my job...

I've always been someone that jumps into a new position with all my heart and soul... I start off being really excited about the opportunities that are coming my way... and am thrilled to go to work everyday... I miss that. I miss being excited about what I'm doing, feeling like I've made a difference for someone that day. I know that kids won't ever show the differences that teachers make in their lives, but I know that in my own life... I had teachers touch places and spark interests that I wouldn't have had without them. I want to do that for someone... I want to see their little faces light up when they finally understand something - or when they get to read something that they enjoy... or do a project that excites them.

I'm so tired of being in the fundraising world, where everything is about greed. It's not even about the mission of the organization where I am - because we don't really honestly need the money like other healthcare organizations do. So I'm just ready to leave it behind... and start this part of my life over.

I feel like in so many ways - I started my life over on November 15, 2007... because in so many ways I've had to learn to live all over again... in a very different way, and with very different rules. I've relearned how to cook for myself, eat... when to eat, how to chew... to workout... how to get in all my water for the day...

In some strange way - I feel like starting my career over, and getting outside of my "box" will be such a good experience for me. I feel like if I stayed here in this current dead-end career path... (not that teaching has much growth opportunity... but it has other things) I would end up slipping back in to some of those old habits that got me to the obese world that I was living in. The stress eating, and all those emotional things that were coping mechanisms... need to be completely removed from my life - the need and opportunity needs to be gone just as much as the will to use food in that manner... so hopefully when I have 35 pairs of little eyes on me all day... I will be distracted enough to not feel the head hunger than comes along with the boredom that I have at my current job.

Wow - that was a bunch of therapeutic rambling... hopefully it makes sense to someone out there!! :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Pictures

Today was very quiet and relaxing - we did a few things around the house, but nothing really strenuous. John hung our new picture in the dining room, and it looks phenominal!!

Here is a picture of the whole wall, which shows how we painted below the chair rail. The color is a dusty maroon, which is also in the picture.

Here is a more detailed view of our new artwork.

Remy is still enjoying her vacation... she looks right at home now, doesn't she?

John and his weekend sidekick... they've really enjoyed each other's company.

They both nodded off for a little while this afternoon, and rested.

That's about all for the day - other than the usual Sunday activities - laundry and the like... I'm really glad that I'm only working two days this week... I'll probably stay up a little later this evening because I don't have to worry to much about storing up energy to make it through 5 days of craziness. I'm planning on getting up in the morning and starting back at my workout routine - so I hope that I don't run into any problems with that.

I hope that everyone had a fabulous Easter - our church service was really nice. It sure was packed today too - it's always nice to see new faces. I know that a lot of them won't be back next week, but I do hope that we got a few of them to come back and check us out again. Next week - they're doing a lunch after church where the visitors to the church will have their lunch paid for by the church at a local mexican restaurant. It seems like a neat idea, and we're always up for an excuse to go eat mexican food with friends!

Happy Easter

I will post again later today, but just wanted to share in the glorious morning by adding that I've lost another 3 pounds... I'm headed toward 60 pounds lost... which of course isn't quite as much as I expected by this point... but I'll take it.

We're headed off to church as soon as John gets ready... so I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Shopped and Dropped

The shopping adventure went fairly well, and we ended up with LOTS of stuff. We started out the day having breakfast at one of John's favorite breakfast spots... which for some reason traditional breakfast foods tend to make me ill - so I spent our first shopping stop battling a very painful stomach ache, but the stop was at Sears Hardware for guy things... so it wasn't much of a loss for me.

We then made our way to the craft store, Michael's, where we bought flowers to take to John's grandparents graves next week while we're off, easter basket stuff for Taylor and Brooklyn, scrapbook stuff, and a really lovely framed piece of art for our dining room. (the art is our combined anniversary gift to each other)

I've decided to start a second scrapbook for us - really just to cover the things that don't fit into my weight loss book... like our adventures during 2008. My guess is that I'll end up with lots of books over the years, but maybe things will bleed into mutiple years... who knows.

From the craft store we went to hit Lane Bryant... for my interview clothes. Can I just say that they tick me off?! Why is it that I go in that store and feel like a total cow? They're clothes are not cut very well for starters - I tried on several things and I just can't get their pants to fit me correctly. So I bought a jacket, and a couple of tops... one top is an 18/20, and another is a 26/28 - which irritated me too... but I needed it to make my outfit work. Bleh!

We hit an Avenue store next to the Lane Bryant next, and I was able to get some pants in a size 24... which is where I thought I should be because I know that all my pants at home are at least 26s and none of them fit anymore. So in the sizes at the Avenue store - I've gone from a 30/32 (pushing the limits on them at the time of my surgery) to now wearing size 24 pants. That's pretty impressive... so to heck with Lane Bryant. I don't need the stress of shopping there!!

The dogs are still having a little trouble getting along, so we've got two of them on leashes... hopefully we'll be able to get them off before the end of the evening... but I don't hold any hope for them being real buddies anymore. Remy's family will be home tomorrow sometime -but I think that John is going to miss her... she hasn't left his side (other than during our shopping trip) since Thursday night. She really has no interest in me at all - unless my girls are out and then she wants to come get some attention from me. Silly... but typical for dogs, I'd guess.

Our Aggie Men's basketball team plays again tonight in the second round of the NCAA tournament... we don't hold out much hope for a win... but it sure would be fun!! Gig 'Em boys!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Remy Sitting

John and I are puppy sitting for our friends', Robby & Sarah, dog. She's a sweetie... and seems to be taking well to her new surroundings. We started trying to introduce her to our dogs today, on her second day here... and she seems to be okay with our little one, Missy, but not to sure about Maggie. So our girls are locked in the bedroom for now... but after spending about an hour trying to become friends - everyone is pretty tired.

John seems to be enjoying Remy's company - because she is more attached to him, and our girls are the opposite. So they've enjoyed their day off together - they've washed his truck, and went for a ride earlier today... now she's asleep in the same position as the first of the pictures.

I hope that everyone is enjoying the start of their holiday weekend - I know I am!! Come Monday - I only have to work 2 days, and then I'm off for 6!! WOO HOO!!

Well, I'm off to go get dinner ready for us, and to relax... ooooh... maybe a bubble bath is in my future this evening?! Tomorrow, John is taking me shopping for a couple of new outfits for my interview and observation days next week... and I'm probably going to sneak in a trip to the craft store for some scrapbooking supplies so that I can do some more pages this weekend. Nothing really exciting, but after two full weekends away from the house - and the fact that I'll be gone next weekend... I am planning on taking it easy and getting a little R&R.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


As we roll into the Easter weekend, I'm struck with a real sense of gratitude for all the changes that have/are happening in my life. As a person seeking weight loss surgery - you dream about the possibilities of being a normal sized person, and all of the freedom that would come along with it.... but there is the dark side too. Being that most of us have tried just about all the weight loss programs out there in the world... you have that self doubt that pops up after years and years of failure at those various programs.

In a lot of ways though, this surgery gives you the gift of (at least initially) taking the choices out of the equation. For at least the first year, it is really hard to "fall off the wagon" because of the physical illness that would come from that... and the fear of that illness to a certain extent. So instead of having a stressful day and eating a pan of brownies, (no - I never did that!!) you are forced to deal with the causes of those emotional eating patterns in some other way. It truly is a gift because it makes you get outside of your own head, and make healthier choices.

That being said - your job, (read - the hard part) is sticking to the plan and the new lifestyle for the long term. If you get lazy - the weight will come back on.

In the meantime, I'm focusing on the small gifts that come along the way - like wearing skirts to work, and clothes that haven't fit in years... some even in over a decade. Also, finding that I have bones underneath all the fat... things that might be taken for granted, but are completely new and wonderous to those of us on this journey.

It truly is the most amazing thing to get your life back after so many years of trying to fade into the background of life... and I for one am excited to get out there and see what is in store for me. I'm already finding myself wanting to do more things instead of wanting to sit out because of my weight... and while I have a long way to go still... I am amazed at how far I've already come.

Prayers for Jil

Today one of the lovely ladies, Jil, in my hospital support group is having her surgery. So I'd like to share a prayer that I've said for her this morning:

Lord, right now I pray you touch our sister Jil, Lord please wrap her in your arms and give her the peace and comfort that only You can. I pray that you will be with her today, and be with the doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. Lord please just guide their hands so that everything goes smoothly. Also be with her throughout her recovery process, as you know, sometimes leaning on you is our only way to get through the rough times. Lord, we thank you for Jil and thank you for working in her life.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I am finally starting to see the light at the end of this tunnel of sick... I can breathe now, and haven't had any medicine since last night. I found a weird phenomenon happening when I was taking the Nyquil and Dayquil... everytime I took at dose... I'd break out in sweats for about an hour.... weird? I think so!

I'm going to see how things go today, and hopefully I won't need anymore medicine. I might still take some tonight - just for good measure, but I think that I'm finally on the up swing. Anyone know when it's best to start working out again? I was wondering if I should just give myself a break and start back on Monday when I am sure that the cold is gone... but we'll see how I'm feeling.

There is a saying here in Texas that "if you don't like the weather... wait 5 minutes", well in typical form... we had a huge rain storm yesterday and it's cold again. It will be sunny and probably in the upper 70's this afternoon, which is beautiful!! It's too bad that we're stuck inside at work today... which - is now FREEZING! I know - it's a good problem to have, at least in my opinion... but thank goodness I have a blanket here! It might level off when it heats up some outside, because it's only in the 50's right now...

Other than that, things are going smoothly - we are getting ready for Easter, which I think for the first time since John and I have been together - we don't have any big plans. I am sort of looking forward to a relaxing day with our usual Sunday routine... John and I will go to church and help with the set up and take down of our portable church... and come home to relax. We usually do something with John's family and the kids, but Taylor is with her Dad this year... and Susan, Ryan and Brooklyn have plans... so unless John's parents come down to go to church with us and hangout - we're on our own.

Isn't it hard to believe that March will be over in a week and a half? CRAZY!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Keeps Getting Better

I'm back at work today, and feeling a fraction of a bit better... but as things go for me... the air conditioning is out in my office building. So here we sit in the heat, sweating and continuing to work. Now, I know that there are people out there that have it much worse off than I do, but I would so much rather be cold than hot. At least if you're cold, you can layer your clothes... but there's only so much you can take off at the office, right?

My friend, Hope, is really into homeopathic cures and things these days, so she has me sniffing eucolyptus oil... which really is nice, but a little strong after a while.

I'm still not feeling like eating or drinking - I'm trying to get in what little I can, but everything I have is hot food - which in this heat - you don't really feel like eating it even if you were feeling great.

I'll stop my whining for today, but I really hope that the next 4 1/2 hours goes by really quickly... and I might freeze myself to death on the way home... my air conditioning in my car usually makes me miserable these days, but I might just have to endure because I hate being hot!! (did I mention that?) Seems odd that I live where I do being that I hate the heat and humidity... but I guess I didn't get a choice when I was born, and really have no desire to move anywhere else at this point... so I suck it up and suffer from now until November. :-)

Monday, March 17, 2008


Hi everyone,

I'm so sorry that I haven't been blogging my normal style the last few days, but this cold/flu thing has really taken me for a ride. I've had a fever now for two days, but had to come in to work for some meetings this morning. (maybe they'll get sick too) Anyway, I've got one more meeting at 1, and then I'm headed home for a nap.

I haven't been working out, eating or drinking right for the last couple of days either - so who knows what will happen with the scale this weekend, but for right now - I really can't focus on anything other than sleeping and getting through this mess.

I hope that everyone else out there is happy and healthy... and that I'll be over this in a day or so.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Since I'm still severely battling this mess that I've gotten - I thought I'd keep my writing to a minimum, and use pictures to tell the story.

This is Brooklyn, our youngest neice, and me at the party.

Brookyln with her Mommy, Susan.

John's grandmother, Memaw, the party was to celebrate her 92nd birthday. She's being escorted by one of her grandaughers, Jessica.

John's Aunt, Mary and her daughter, Tiffany.

John singing a special tribute to his grandmother.

The Easter Egg Hunt.

From the left, Kasey with her Grandmother, Mary and our other neice Taylor, with her grandmother.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What a Day

Today has been such a beautiful day weather wise. We had John's grandmother's 92nd birthday party, along with his aunt's 69th, his cousin's 36th, and future cousin-in-law's 36th. It was a big day with a big party. I'll post pictures in the next day or so.

I'd also like to give a shout out to Tiffany, Haley, and Justin... some of John's family that keeps up with the blog on a regular basis. HI GUYS!

I'm going to keep this short as I'm headed to bed... I've currently got every symptom on the bottle of Ny-Quil...coughing, achey head, stuffy nose, sneezing, fever, sore throat... you name it and I've got it. So I'm desperately trying my best to get things under control so that I can function tomorrow as I don't want to miss two weeks at church. It did cause me to miss my workout this morning which makes me really upset, but I just couldn't do it - I was way to ill when I woke up, but I was able to function and have a nice time at the party. I don't know what it is, but I always seem to be ill around his grandmother's birthday, and Christmas. ARG!

On another note - I haven't posted about it yet, but I think that prayers are in order... I have my interview at the school district office a week from Wednesday. I'm then supposed to observe (still need to confirm it after spring break) 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade at an elementary in the district on Thursday and Friday... I'm spending a 1/2 day with each level and then am heading off to my church's annual women's retreat out of town. So that gives me a little over a week to get myself healthy and ready to go again.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Ok, I know I've been a slacker for the last couple of days with the food journal... but I will get it caught up in the next few days.

It's official, I have NO pants that fit me anymore... so I wore a skirt today to work for the first time in 6 years, today!! It was really cool, and felt different.... but in a girly way. (SMILE)

I'd like to welcome a couple of new blog readers... that are also ladies that are part of my hospital support group. One of them, Jil, actually is having surgery with my surgeon next week - I know she's going to come through with flying colors. The other, Laurie, I met earlier this month at our group meeting.

It's been a long week, and I'm going to go relax with my honey - as the rest of the weekend is pretty action packed.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

They Told Me So

I had such a surreal experience last night/this morning. I worked until 7 last night, came home... ate dinner... went to bed (literally at 9)... then what did I do? I got up this morning without problems and worked out!!

Ok, a month or two ago... that NEVER would have happened. I would have been so wiped after working late... I would have barely been able to get up and go back to work the next day. So, to do it and have no disruption to my routine was even better.

You know, smarter people than me have been telling me for a long time that I needed to work out. Well, we all know (or those that have had WLS) that it's easier said than done when you weigh over 300 pounds... How those football players do it - I'll never know... but that's another topic for another day.

It just amazes me how things can change so quickly... and without a true plan. I mean it's almost been three weeks, and I haven't deviated from my schedule even once... the strange thing to me was that this routine didn't start with a plan. I didn't even think the night before that I would get up and workout the next morning... it just happened in the moment. Just might have been the moment that changed my life too, frankly.

I know I keep saying this, but it still amazes me... this is the FIRST time in my LIFE that I've ever worked out consistently... and I know I have a long way to go... 4 more weeks before it truly is defined as a habit, but the fact that I haven't given up is truly a gift from God.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today is day two of the thyroid meds, and I swear my body isn't digging them yet. I know that it'll level off in a few days, but I've been light headed off and on all day. I tried tweaking the order I ate my meals today as well... I found myself getting a little shaky with just yogurt for breakfast, and this morning - I had my protein bar first to see if the boost in protein would make it better. Not so much, but I have faith.

I got a comment today about my last post from Lacy, who hadn't gotten as good of information from her doctor when dispensing her thyroid meds... and I truly wish that all doctors were like mine. I haven't always used him... in fact - I've gone through some REALLY bad doctors in the past... but Dr. Weinstein has been such a blessing... Most importantly - I wish all WLS patients could have a doctor like him that knows more about the after-care for us than our surgeons do. The surgeons know about how to rewire our insides... but Dr. Weinstein knows all the ins and outs of keeping us health long-term after our surgery.

I'll leave you today with a story about one of the really bad doctor experiences I've had... my entire life - I've wanted nothing more than to be a mother... and shortly after I got married (literally 3 months later) I was experiencing the symptoms typically associated with pregnancy. I hadn't found a doctor that I liked enough to stick with... so I chose to go to John's doctor.

This was my mistake because John likes people that will give it to him straight... and I need more of the friendly, break it to me easy... approach.

So there I am - excited about the possibility, and knowing that my mother never tested positive on home pregnancy tests when she was pregnant with me... (this fueled my excitement even more - naturally) I go through the usual tests, and sit in the office to wait to hear what he's got on the initial results... and he breezes in and says "You're not pregnant, you're diabetic" and breezes out. I was devastated... and this man never once acted like he cared or even like I was human (in my opinion). I cried for hours, and only went back to him one more time before changing doctors for good.

In a way it was a good thing for me to finally find out what was going on - as I'm no stranger to CRAZY symptoms that amount to nothing... but I was 23 and needed a little more of a soft approach to that news. I have no doubt that Dr. Weinstein tells his patients in a much more friendly way when something bad is happening... I know that he's always been thorough, and confident that he'll find the answer when something has been wrong with me... why aren't they all like that?!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I did in fact talk to my doctor last night, and he seemed to be in agreement that the endocrinologist needed to go. He of course didn't say that, but was okay with taking back over on my thyroid care... now that we know that there isn't anything more complicated going on in there.

He left me some samples of medicine to try for the first 6 weeks, and then I'll have my blood tested again. We'll see if we need to tweak the dosage at that point... but Dr. W is so great about that. Through the years - I've gotten countless prescriptions filled, only to be taken off the medication before I even complete the first few pills. His philosophy about that is that there isn't any need to pay for it until you know that it's the right thing for you...

There are a couple of interesting things I learned about thyroid meds from Dr. W:

1) You really must take the name brand of these pills for any consistency in the medication. He says that when companies buy generic drugs - they might buy from China this month, Canada next month, and Argentina the next... and since it's a hormone drug... it's absolutely crutial that the meds be consistent.

2) Calcium and Iron supplements cause you to not absorb the medication correctly... so I need to make sure that there is at least a 3 hour window between taking the thyroid pill and taking anything else.

3) Thyroid pills need to be taken at the same time everyday - just like the birth control pill... again because of the nature of it being a hormone supplemental drug... so I'm working this out, and think that I'll be taking the thyroid medicine first thing in the morning... then taking some of my vitamins at the office and some at night. (The idea is breaking up the vitamins into a couple of different dosages is easier for my new digestive system to absorb)

4) Break the pill in half... that will increase the surface area to break down, which will hopefully help my body absorb more of the medication before it passes through the system.

Bearing Crosses

On my way home tonight - I saw a man walking along the side of the freeway carrying a cross. Now, the cross did have wheels, but it was still a burden to carry... and all I can think about what he was doing - is that he must have been working with a mission group or church to make people think about Jesus as we are getting close to the end of the Easter season.

The thing that it made me think/feel tonight though was profoundly different than any other moment in my life. It struck me how focused on my own troubles and frustrations I am on a daily basis, and I'm not saying that I shouldn't work to improve my health... but in the grand scheme of things... is my cross such a hard burden to bear? No... not when people out there are so much less fortunate than I am.

I've been extremely blessed in my life... I've struggled with my weight over the years, but I've never had to want for anything - or go without because of money or anything like that... The struggle with my weight has been my cross to bear, but in the same light - God provided me the opportunity, angel (to pay for it until I can pay them back), and the strength/courage to go forward with this life changing surgery.

So, as we look forward to Easter, and the incredible gifts that we Christians were given in light of the ultimate sacrifice... lets remember that our lives aren't as bad as they might seem in the moment. I know it's something that it wouldn't hurt for me to remember a little more often.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm feeling a little better today about things. I know that I was being irrational yesterday, but sometimes emotions take over all rational thought and you can't do anything other than ride it out.

Today's observations are:

1) The workout was better this morning - maybe I'm hitting a grove again. Or maybe there are normal ups and downs... days when you have to force yourself through it and days when it comes easier. Only time will tell.

2) The water seems to be working itself out - but seriously, it was dicey there for a while... I swear that my skin got worse before it seems to have cleared itself up. Last week - I was dealing with a splotchy mess, but all seems to have cleared out now. So maybe I've worked through dehydration, and am now starting to see some benefits from my new water intake regimine.

3) Still waiting to hear back from my PCP on the thyroid stuff. I got the blood work back from the endocrinologist, and faxed it with a letter over to my PCP's office - explaining why I didn't trust the crazy lady... and why I'd like for him to manage it and do the prescribing of medications for me. So hopefully he'll call this evening on my way home... I completely trust him, so maybe by tomorrow, I'll have some answers and be getting ready to start a regimine to get that under control as well.

Sorry for my verbal craziness yesterday, but it was a normal down day... I just have to ride them out and tomorrow is always better.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Stalled Again

Well, this morning's weigh in didn't go well at all. I'm actually UP a pound?!? How does that happen to a WLS patient? This is getting ridiculous! I became an emotional basket-case... and I woke up this morning already feeling like a truck had hit me.

I don't know what's going on, but I seriously felt like what I can only describe as something similar to what a person with Fibromyalgia must feel like in the morning.

So I unfortunately didn't make it to church today with John... I just couldn't do it. So I'll listen to the podcast of the message for today a little later. I think John knew that it as best for me to just retreat for a day and lick my wounds in private.

It's so insane to me that I would gain a pound... I can't even begin to understand it. The only logical solution is that it has something to do with this whole thyroid thing... the endocrinologist called on Friday and wanted to just stick me on some medication... but I don't get the feeling that she understands or cares about what it means to be recovering from this surgery - so I'm thinking of getting the results from her bloodwork, and calling my PCP. I trust him, and I know that he'll put me on the right medications. It's also comforting to know that he knows enough to make sure that the meds will be safe for me to either swallow or he'll tell me differently.

I'll get on that tomorrow morning - so that hopefully we'll have it figured out in time to break through this craziness. Is it really to much to ask... to have a couple of weeks of consistent loss? I haven't experienced that since the first two weeks after my surgery. ARG!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spring Forward

So, I had every intention of writing a long blog for today, but this whole time change thing is already causing me to worry about dragging tomorrow morning. (as it does every year) This year however, we're helping out at our church with the set up team - the team that shows up at 8:30 to get the stage and everything ready for our 10AM service... so I need to be perky and ready to go MUCH earlier than I have in years past.

Today has been fairly busy - I started with my workout... which I pushed a lot harder today in hopes that I'd break through the dragging that I've been experiencing the last couple of days. Is it possible for your own body to sabotage your good progress?! I think mine is trying!! (traitor!)

Then I was off to my support group meeting at the hospital... we had lots of good info about eating out after WLS - I'll save the details for tomorrow - or possibly I'll put it on the collaborative blog instead.

This afternoon we attended a funeral for a really amazing guy... and family friend of John's family. (I never met him, but I really wish I had!) He was a great soldier, teacher, parent, husband, and friend... and there were so many tributes that the service went for an hour and a half before they left for the gravesite service. He was one of the retired high school principals in the small town that John is from, and the service was done in the gym... so there were roughly 600 people in attendance.

From there, we spent the rest of the day with John's parents. It feels like I haven't seen them in forever, so it was nice to catch up. We'll be seeing them again next week - as we'll be celebrating John's grandmother's 92nd birthday with his extended family. Today was just his parents and us mainly - so it was a nice quiet afternoon. His sister came by and brought our youngest neice, Brooklyn, for us to see. She's a real cutie!! I'll have to get some pictures of her next weekend!

That brings us up to now, and I'm headed off for bed... I guess it did end up being a decent post. We'll see in the morning what the scale has in order for me... lets all hope that week 2 of the workouts, and getting in all my water all of this week has made a positive difference for me!! I need a few steady weeks of losing!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Collaborative Blog

Hi everyone,

Some friends of mine from the blog world have come up with an idea to have a blog where we can give tips and other information about weight loss surgery. It is just in the development stage, but I wanted to share it with you from the beginning.

Feel free to check it out!

Losing Fat - Gaining Life

Cozy Fire

A rather slow day in the Hawkins household...

This morning - let me tell you - I had to fight myself every step of the way through my workout. I didn't want to do it... but go over that hurdle... then my legs were hurting the entire time and my pace wasn't as quick as it has been the other days... but I got through that and really pushed it the last minute or two - so I did end up with my 8 miles for today, but something was really working against me today - and it would have been so easy for me to give in, but for the first time EVER - I pushed through the pain and made myself proud.

I only worked a half day today - had some things to do around the house, and just needed some extra time with John today. I worked out in the yard a little (got some wind burn on my face) and he cleaned out the fireplace. He built me a fire, and I've enjoyed it all evening... it probably is why I had such a good cozy nap!

Tonight we're watching one of our favorite movies, Hitch, because it's on tv... this movie still cracks me up!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


This afternoon, I made it to the parking garage just as the elevator was closing... so I decided to try something new today... I took the stairs. I went up 4 flights of stairs, and was minimally out of breath. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!

Do you know that I've had to do that a few times over the last 3 years that I've been working there... when the elevators aren't working, and I'd swear that I was about to die... I'd be out of breath still when I got out of the garage and even a little during my commute... not today!! I was fully recovered and on to bigger and better things by the time I left the garage.

Now, it did take me 2 hours and 5 minutes to get home because of the weather... but that's another story.

Logging Food

Hi everyone,

I'm stealing an idea from my blog friend, Lacy, and am going to make a 'sister' blog to put in all my food and exercise information... Kim's Cuisine is up and running and has two days worth of info... that's about as far back as I can go with the food - because I could barely remember what I ate last night to do yesterday!! If my loving husband can remember anything better than that - I'll put in some more past information.

I'm also tracking everything on Diet TV where I can see things graphed for me - like my daily water intake, hours of sleep, and the lovely weight loss graphs that show a nice line going in the right direction... DOWN!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lazy Night

You know what guys, I'm just not feeling like writing today... I meant to do it before I left work, but wasn't able to get it done. I'm in the middle of changing the sheets on my bed... and I think I might just crawl in and call it a night!

Before I do that though, I need to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PHILIP!

And, give you guys an update on the workout/water progress... both were completed today, and I'm on target for all 3 days of this week so far... amazing!

Have a great evening, and I'll write more in debth tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Keeping Score

For those of you keeping tabs on my progress...

I did in fact complete my 64 oz of water yesterday... and am halfway there for today! I also got my workout in this morning... even though it was freezing cold and I really wanted to stay in the nice warm bed!

I don't know what it is that has changed... but something is driving me up those stairs every morning, and I thank God for it! Maybe he's pushing me up there every morning, and holding my hand to get me going... whatever it is - it is making all the difference in the world.

As I sit here eating my lunch - I just was struck with something that seemed quite commical to me... my lunch is in a snack-sized container... and has room left over where more could fit in there. Just to think how a few months ago my lunch would have looked very different... and it doesn't even phase me now. Don't get me wrong - I've never been a big over-eater in terms of portions... they were bigger than they should have been, but it's not like I ever ate 4 hamburgers at one time or anything like that. It's just that now my meals are 1/2 a cup in size, and 4 months ago - that might have been the portion of one of my side dishes... or maybe even a little more than that!


One of my very best friends in the world, Maria, went into the Navy last year, and left for her officer training in August. (I wrote about it then) From that time - we haven't spoken - as she was not really in complete control of her life or surroundings while in training. In honor of the fact that her birthday was a couple of days ago, and I finally was able to talk to her again last night... I'm going to dedicate today's post to her...

She has now graduated from her initial training program, and is beginning her second phase of training in Georgia.

Maria and I met in January of 1998, we were in the same economics class at A&M - and hit it off instantly. We were practically inseparable from the moment we met... she grew up as a military child, and always expressed an interest in going into the military at some point. During our two years, in college together... we really bonded, and even developed our own way of talking to each other. (John always can tell if I'm on the phone with her. HA!) We haven't always agreed on everything... which is normal... and even almost lost our friendship over my dating John in the beginning. When I first met John, I had come off of a string of not so healthy relationships, and had declared that I was going to focus on my career and not worry about men for a few years... well little did I know that the man of my dreams was about to come back into my life for the third time. (It really was the charm)

Maria and I had planned on both setting up our post-college lives together, I think in Dallas... and wanted to have the "Ally McBeal" set up... don't ask me what that means now, but it was a popular show back then... and there was something that appealed to us about their lifestyle. Then I went and met John, and everything changed... it was a hard transition for us, but with a little time, distance, and maturity - we only struggled with it for a couple of months.

Maria was one of my bridesmaids, and was wonderful that entire time... she was my rock during an emotionally packed weekend. She even got a kick out of being the one to drive me to each event... we spent my final night as a single girl together in a suite with my sister-in-law, and we really had a great time...

She even came to stay with me one summer while she was interning in Houston... and we completely enjoyed spending so much time together - but it didn't work out for her on the job front in Houston. So she started her corporate career in San Antonio... a string of a couple of bad job experiences, and she was back in school getting her MBA. From there - she announced that she was joining the Navy. It was a little shocking because, her dad is a retired colonel from the Air Force and I had always thought she'd go into the Air Force when the military career came back around.

I still get nervous thinking that she might land herself in a combat zone at some point throughout her career, but I am so incredibly proud of her. She has a drive and courage that I've always admired. Whether she's upset, and yelling a someone in spanish/english... or enjoying a great night out with the girls... I've enjoyed every minute of being her friend.

As you can tell - I have a very special place in my heart for Maria, and I couldn't be more thrilled to have reconnected with her! It was funny - last night she said that it was so nice to have a friend that after not talking for 5 months... you can just pick back up with like no time has passed at all. I completely agree... but hope that it's only a couple of weeks or so before we talk again!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Super Star

You know you thought of this movie when you saw the title of today's post... even though I never saw the actual movie... I did laugh when Molly Shannon played this character on Saturday Night Live. (Back when I watched it... and it was good)

Updates for today:

* 64 ounces of water - check! (only 16 more to go, and I'll definently get them in!)
* 5:30 AM workout - check!

I actually did it - this is the first time in my LIFE that I've ever taken the alotted break from my workout schedule and picked back up to continue on... something has started to change for the better in me... I wonder what alien has posessed me for this to happen? Well - I'm sure glad it is here, because it's really making a HUGE difference!

It always seems to me like the weekends wizz by so quickly... and I'm once again back at work... am I the only one that wakes up on Mondays and wishes for a redo of the weekend?! I desperately wanted a redo this morning - but I instead forced myself out of bed and onto my stationary bike for my 30 minute ride to nowhere... I'm not complaining about not going anywhere - I really don't mind it at all - it gives me 30 minutes of quiet time to read and get my mind going for the rest of my day.

For today - I have no complaints... I'm on an exercise/water high...

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Today I did something special to celebrate my extra weight loss... I went shopping!! Nothing crazy, but after church John and I headed over to the store - and I got some new PJ's for my church retreat at the end of the month, and a new sweater for work/casual semi-dress up, and a new bra. The bra was really the only necesity on the list, but I decided to treat myself because I was so happy to see the scale moving again.

This week, I'm going to continue with the workouts every morning - the guy at the hospital was so right about doing it before you do anything else... it helps your metabolism throughout the day, AND you've crossed it off the "to do" list first thing!! It really is helpful for me because by the time I get home at night... I'm so drained that the last thing I want to do is workout... at this point - I just want to sit down and unwind from work.

I'm also trying one more experiment this week - I seem to have figured out a secret in the water intake game. I noticed something this past week, I've been taking a glass of water with me in the car on the way to work... a glass of ice with water in it... then on the way home from work - I'd bring another glass with me from the office. I would drink the water in the afternoon a lot faster than the morning glass... and then I realized that the water in the afternoon didn't have any ice in it. So I was able to drink 16 oz in about 30 minutes while making it halfway home. So I'm going to try it in the morning this week without ice, and see if I can punch up my water intake to the daily total of 64 oz. I was beginning to think that I didn't need that much water on a daily basis - my doctor has given me all the signs of dehydration to watch for, and I haven't had any of those signs yet - so I was thinking that maybe there were different intake needs for different people... but I guess that the more I can force in - the better off I'll be. There is a lady in my support group that drinks a gallon of water a day!! My gosh! I've been getting 32 oz on a good day lately, but I'm really going to try my best to push that this week - because I know that with the workouts and the water... it's going to be a winning combination!

Anyone want to email me around 10AM and 2PM to check and see if I've been drinking?! HA! (reminders are helpful though!)


What a difference a few workouts make... I lost 6 pounds this week!! Who knew working out was so good for you?! HA! Sort of makes me want to spend all day on my stationary bike... but that's a small sign of my obsessive compulsive nature and impatience coming out.

Just for reference - I only lost 10 pounds in February... so this is definently helpful!!

I'm off to get ready for church now, but wanted to share my excitement with my readers.

Have a great day!! (I'll be back to post again later)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Cooking & Parties

Today started like no other Saturday in my life... I worked out!! It wasn't 5:30AM, but it was 7:30... which was a good early start to the day for me, and boy was I proud of myself for keeping up with this routine for the entire week. I know it's not much, and I've got a long way to go before it's really a habit...but I'm really proud of myself for keeping up with it this far. I'm debating on if I trust myself enough to take tomorrow off, but either way - I won't start my day with the work out because I've got to get up early to go to church.

After my workout - I went to the grocery store, and came home to make two meals... which has gotten me about 8 meals a piece. I've got more to make for tomorrow - but don't know if I have enough tupperware for storage... so we might be making a tupperware run on the way home from church tomorrow.

This evening I went with my friend Sarah to a Premier Jewelry party - which was really fun - they've got some nice looking items... I managed to not buy anything today, but would definently like to look into a few for future purchases. One of them might be my fake wedding ring that I could wear until this ring size thing gets settled. We'll see. They had some great looking necklaces as well - so I might have to save some money and buy a couple of peices. I told the lady that I'd throw a party for her - so I might be doing that in the next few weeks/months... I was supposed to get a discount off of one item today for booking, but I decided not to buy anything.

That's about all that's been going on today - I'm now just relaxing and getting ready for bed.